Asia Sri Lanka World News

WATCH- Sri Lankan President slams Easter Sunday bombing allegations

In an German Television Deutsche Welle DW Exclusive interview Sri Lankan President Ranil Wicramasinghe has slammed Easter Sunday bombing allegations. During the heated interview, President Ranil Wickremesinghe seemed to loose his composure and threatened to walk out and rejected any type international investigation in Sri Lanka.

“You are talking nonsense, You have no right to ask me this question| You think we are second class | You need take this western attitude out | You stop it, I stop it, We go off ” President Ranil Wickremesinghe told the interviewer.

The country has faced crisis after crisis, both political and economic, and there is no clarity on how the government and the people can recover and get back on their feet. Watch DW’s Martin Gak question the Sri Lankan President about the crises the country faces.